Elmord's Magic Valley

Computers, languages, and computer languages. Às vezes em Português, sometimes in English.


  1. Some thoughts on Gemini and the modern Web, 2022-02-20 (comp, web, ramble, in-english)
  2. #255, 2020-03-19 (about, life, mind, ramble, in-english)
  3. Partial goals, and other rambles, 2019-05-26 (comp, prog, pldesign, fenius, ramble, in-english)
  4. On Scheme's minimalism, 2017-09-14 (comp, prog, lisp, scheme, pldesign, ramble, in-english)
  5. Lisp without cons cells, 2016-05-28 (comp, prog, pldesign, lisp, ramble, in-english)
  6. C is in an identity crisis, and some thoughts on undefined behavior, 2016-05-20 (comp, prog, c, pldesign, ramble, in-english)
  7. Random project ideas, 2016-05-13 (comp, prog, pldesign, ramble, in-english)
  8. You're doing it completely wrong, 2015-04-29 (comp, prog, wrong, ramble, em-portugues)
  9. Mind dump, 2015-04-10 (comp, prog, pldesign, lash, life, mind, ramble, music, em-portugues)
  10. Yeah, I code-switch heavily, 2014-11-02 (lang, life, ramble, em-portugues)
  11. My very brief affair with Btrfs, 2014-09-14 (comp, unix, mundane, ramble, em-portugues)
  12. Orthographica, 2014-08-20 (lang, rant, ramble, em-portugues)
  13. A madman and a scholar, 2014-07-06 (life, mind, academia, mestrado, ramble, em-portugues)
  14. NSA operation ORCHESTRA, e alguns pensamentos sobre o estado atual da computação, 2014-04-17 (comp, prog, security, politics, ramble, em-portugues)
  15. LaTeX vs. GPL, ou Vocês nunca entenderão o legalismus, 2013-11-05 (comp, copyright, ramble, em-portugues)
  16. #123, 2013-05-03 (random, life, mind, ramble, em-portugues)
  17. One man's gambiarra is another man's technique, 2013-04-17 (comp, prog, ramble, em-portugues)
  18. Quenya, 2013-03-27 (lang, conlang, book, ramble, about, em-portugues)

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