Elmord's Magic Valley

Computers, languages, and computer languages. Às vezes em Português, sometimes in English.

Questions, exclamations, and binaries

2019-06-03 21:39 -0300. Tags: comp, prog, pldesign, fenius, in-english

I'm a bit tired today, so the post will be short.

ready? go!

In Scheme, it is conventional for procedures returning booleans to have names ending in ? (e.g., string?, even?), and for procedures which mutate their arguments to have names ending in ! (e.g., set-car!, reverse!). This convention has also been adopted by other languages, such as Ruby, Clojure and Elixir.

I like this convention, and I've been thinking of using it in Fenius too. The problem is that ? and ! are currently operator characters. ? does not pose much of a problem: I don't use it for anything right now. !, however, is a bit of a problem: it is part of the != (not-equals) operator. So if you write a!=b, it would be ambiguous whether the ! should be interpreted as part of an identifier a!, or as part of the operator !=. So my options are:

What do you think? Which of these you like best? Do you have other ideas? Feel free to comment.

Binaries available

In other news, I started to make available a precompiled Fenius binary (amd64 Linux), which you can try out without having to install Chez Scheme first. You should be aware that the interpreter is very brittle at this stage, and most error messages are in terms of the underlying implementation rather than something meaningful for the end user, so use it at your own peril. But it does print stack traces in terms of the Fenius code, so it's not all hopeless.

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