Elmord's Magic Valley

Computers, languages, and computer languages. Às vezes em Português, sometimes in English.

Hel is now Fenius, and other notes

2019-05-13 16:41 -0300. Tags: hel, fenius, in-english

After feedback from a number of people (1) in the last post, and consulting privately with a number of other people (1), and some consideration on the merits of each naming option (including possibility of confusion with other projects and searchability in your favorite search engine), I'm going with Fenius as the new name for Hel. That will also give me an excuse to get more acquainted with Irish mythology and legends to be able to give cool names to Fenius-related tools.

As for the question of licensing, I'll keep everything under the GPLv3 for now; I can worry about library licensing after I actually have libraries to license. But I have reached the following conclusions about the matter:

Stay tuned for a post about persistent hashmaps Real Soon Now™.

P.S.: My coding activity is still a bit limited right now due to RSI, which is getting gradually better.

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