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Named parameters in Hel

2019-03-28 21:21 -0300. Tags: comp, prog, pldesign, hel, fenius, in-english

Hel acquired Python-like named parameters yesterday. This means that if you declare a function like:

let f(x, y) = x+y

you can call it as f(2, 3), or f(x=2, y=3), or f(2, y=3). It also got (also Python-like) rest parameters, i.e., you can declare a parameter like *args to collect all positional (non-named) arguments not captured by a previous parameter, and **kwargs to capture all named arguments not captured by a previous parameter.

(Unlike Python, the resulting kwargs variable is a list of (name, value) tuples, but that's because Hel does not have dictionaries yet. Also, I still have to implement support for *x and **x syntax at the call site, rather than just at function declaration site.)

But I wonder if this is the best approach to named parameters in Hel:

So, are there alternatives for handling named parameters better suited to Hel's goals out there?

What other languages do?

Plenty of languages get by without named parameters at all, but that's not really what I'm after.

Common Lisp, Dylan, Scheme

In Common Lisp, functions have positional and keyword (named) parameters, but any given parameter is either positional or keyword: if you declare a function like (defun f (x y &key z) ...), you can call it like (f 1 2 :z 3), but not like (f :x 1 :y 2 :z 3). This means the function controls whether the name of a parameter is exposed or not (and actually the keyword exposed by the function need not be the same as the variable name used internally to store its value).

This makes the calling convention simpler. Conceptually, a function receives a list of arguments; keywords like :x are just values, and keyword arguments are just extra keyword value sequences in the list. An argument list can be assembled programmatically and passed to a function via apply. The call site (from an implementation point of view) does not need to know the function signature beforehand to call it. (Of course, performance is usually better when it does know the signature beforehand.)

One downside of this is that because keywords are plain values, it is easy to pass one as a positional argument by mistake, especially if the function supports both optional and keyword arguments. For example, if a function is declared (defun f (a &optional b c &key d) ...), calling (f 1 :c 2) will actually pass :c as the value for b, and 2 as the value for c. For this reason, it is considered good practice[by whom?] not to use both optional and keyword arguments in the same function.

The other downside is that sometimes we do want to be able to pass the same arguments either with or without names. I feel this is especially the case with constructors, where I want to be able to call either Person(name="Hildur", age=23) or Person("Hildur", 23). I don't know. Constructors also have the characteristic that the parameter names are usually part of the interface anyway, because they are the same as the names of the object accessors.

Dylan seems to use the same scheme (heh) as Common Lisp.

Standard Scheme only supports positional parameters and a mechanism to collect rest arguments (like Python's *args) in a list. The various Scheme implementations tend to support variations of Common Lisp style argument lists.

Smalltalk, Objective-C, Swift

In Smalltalk and Objective-C, the parameter names are part of the name of a method. Using an example from Wikipedia, when you write:

'hello world' indexOf: $o startingAt: 6

the method is actually called indexOf:startingAt:, with the arguments interspersed with the name. This means all arguments are named, and it also means they cannot be reordered or omitted (though you can define a different method with different arguments, for example a separate indexOf: method, thus simulating optional arguments).

Swift is somewhat similar: by default, all parameters have a label, which must be used when calling the function; however, in Swift you can specify _ as the label to omit it. Arguments also have a fixed order. The parameter labels appear to be considered part of the function name too, so you can have different declarations of the same function name with different parameter labels. Argument names are not part of the type. I'm not sure how you specify which of multiple functions with different argument labels you want to refer to when using a function as a value.

Elixir, Ruby 1.x, Clojure

In Elixir, passing the last arguments of a function call in the form key: value, key: value, ... is syntactic sugar for passing a list [key: value, key: value, ...], which is itself syntactic sugar for a list of tuples [{:key, value}, {:key, value}, ...]. By the magic of pattern matching, if you do the same thing in the function parameter declaration, it will turn into a pattern that will match the list of tuples passed in as argument. But this also means that the list must be in the same order in the declaration and the call, and also means that the keywords are not optional. Alternatively, one can receive the whole list and parse it manually (or semi-manually with the help of a dictionary).

Ruby pre-2.0 seems to work similarly, except you get a dictionary instead of a list of pairs. Ruby 2.0 and after has actual keyword parameters. Unlike Python, a parameter is either positional or keyword; it cannot be called both ways.

Clojure's approach is a mix of Common Lisp and Elixir: to support keyword parameters, you declare a rest parameter which will collect the sequence of :keyword value items, but instead of specifying a variable as the parameter to receive the list, you can specify a dictionary pattern to destructure the list. The syntax is not exactly awesome, especially when declaring default values for the keys, but it works.


Ada is like Python in allowing any parameter to be passed by name or by position, as the caller desires. The names don't seem to be part of the type, so I don't know how the language handles named arguments when using a function as a value.


There is no real conclusion here. I will keep the Python-style calls for now, but I have to think more about this.

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