Elmord's Magic Valley

Computers, languages, and computer languages. Às vezes em Português, sometimes in English.


2015-05-14 20:55 -0300. Tags: lang, img, random, comic, em-portugues

Para fins de conservação para a posteridade, inflijo-vos este quadrinho que eu postei no reddit mais ou menos um ano atrás.

A: So you and Mary are over?
B: Yeah.

A: Why? You made such a good couple.
B: It would never work out. She thinks Proto-Indo-European had an */a/.
A: Oh. What?

B: I told her: "Maybe in the latest stages, but not originally. */a/ is really just underlying */eh₂/". But she shook her head and said: "Not typologically plausible". It was horrible.
B: Yeah, I know!

Comentários / Comments (1)

Caracol, 2015-05-15 17:52:57 -0300 #

Qualquer semelhança com a realidade é mera coincidência. =P

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